The Code welcomes Travel Works as the latest member in Germany

We are pleased to announce that Travel Works is the latest travel and tourism company to become a member of The Code in Germany. Travel Works join a growing number of global leaders in the fight against the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism by committing to the six criteria of The Code.

Travel Works is a leading Germany volunteering company that offers international volunteer placements in 45 countries. As volunteer travel has grown so have the risk for children whereby travelling offenders are looking to gain access to children through volunteer work.

However with strong child protection policies and procedures as well as staff training on how to recognise the signs of possible child exploitation as well as how to report the the travel and tourism industry is able to prevent offenders taking advantage of their services and infrastructure as well as stopping this crime directly in its tracks.

As a volunteering company Travel Works also adheres to an extra set of voluntourism criteria in order to keep children safe including a commitment to not offering orphanage tourism packages and additional annual reporting requirements. The Code does not accept membership for companies that offer orphanage tourism packages.

The six criteria of The Code are to:

  1. Establish a policy and procedures against sexual exploitation of children.
  2. Train employees in children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases.
  3. Include a clause in contracts throughout the value chain stating a common repudiation and zero tolerance policy of sexual exploitation of children.
  4. Provide information to travelers on children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and how to report suspected cases.
  5. Support, collaborate and engage stakeholders in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children.
  6. Report annually on the implementation of the six criteria of The Code.
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