The Code speaks about child sex tourism to members of Skal International in Bangkok

The Code of Conduct for The Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism (The Code) were invited to present at the SKAL International Bangkok AGM, held at the Arnoma Hotel in Bangkok.

Founded in Paris in 1932, Skal International is a professional organisation of tourism leaders from around the world that work together to promote global tourism and friendship. Skal members include top managers and executives from the tourism industry, and they meet at local, national, regional and international levels to discuss and pursue topics of common interest.

The Code’s Communications and Campaigns Coordinator Olivia Waters was invited to Skal’s annual luncheon to give a brief presentation about both the work of The Code and the Child Safe Tourism campaign that had been recently handed to The Code by World Vision.

“It was a great opportunity to speak to leaders of the tourism industry in Bangkok about not just the issue of child sexual exploitation, but also about how those that work on the frontline of the tourism industry have the power to make a real difference,” she said.

By speaking about the issue of child sexual exploitation in travel and tourism to such influential members of the industry, The Code team hopes to both raise awareness and inspire concrete action.

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