ECPAT USA signs two US companies to The Code: Real Hospitality Group and Sabre Holdings

Sabre Holdings Becomes The First Travel Technology Company to Sign The Code

31 May 2012, Sabre Holdings is the first travel technology company to sign The Code. With more than 10,000 employee globally, Sabre will take action to implement The Code’s six criteria and raise awareness about child protection with its airline, hotel, travel agency, corporate customers and travelers that use its online booking tools:, and CEO Sam Gilliland voices his pride in Sabre’s groundbreaking work: 

Human trafficking is one of the most lucrative, widespread and fastest growing crimes, and often the travel and tourism industry is an unwilling and unknowing participant used by traffickers. Consequently, we are uniquely positioned to be a driving force in putting an end to these horrific crimes.

14 June 2012, Real Hospitality Group (RHG) has become the first hotel management company in the United States to enter the fight against the commercial sexual exploitation of children by signing the Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct.

The issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children is abhorrent – says Rick Day, Chief Operating Officer.

As a leader in the hospitality industry, Real Hospitality Group is proud to use our sphere of influence to do whatever we can to protect the most vulnerable. Responsibility to our communities demands a public stance on this issue and we are pleased to partner with ECPAT and publicly sign the Code of Conduct.

For the official press release and the complete article, please visit ECPAT USA’s website.

For Sabre’s official press release and the full article, please visit ECPAT USA’s website.

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