The Code welcomes Neotropic Expeditions as a new member

The Code is pleased to announce that Neotropic Expeditions, tour operator based in Ecuador, has become a member of The Code in addition to its longstanding commitment to sustainable tourism and ending the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.

Neotropic Expeditions is a leading destination management company in Ecuador, Galapagos, and Colombia with exclusive and curated family, soft adventure, wildland, and cultural journeys. Over 25 years of continuous trailblazing has made us masters of specialty. Pioneers in high-end land-based Galapagos with active excursions. We directly manage and operate quality waterfront hotels in the islands through our Opuntia Hotels network and are one of the few Rainforest Alliance certified companies in Ecuador and the only one certified in Colombia.

With every step we have stayed true to our values of supporting local communities and development, and their affinity with the natural world means that they’ve always put sustainability at the heart of everything they do, long before it became a fashionable buzzword.

As adventurers, throughout the years we have provided those who venture with them only the top of the line equipment, setting the bar for industry standards and always making sure of being responsible in all of our activities especially against the sexual exploitation of women and children, which is why we have obtained the The Code certification.

Neotropic Expeditions is committed to being a responsible and ethical tourism company, for which it strongly repudiates the sexual exploitation of children, girls and adolescents in travel and tourism in general, we have adhered to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism in order to take concrete measures to prevent this crime.

The company through its concrete actions has determined the creation of a policy, the elaboration of related procedures, the adequate training of all personnel, the provision and dissemination of information to travellers, suppliers and third parties that are part of the relationships inter-institutional with Neotropic Expeditions, as well as the report of possible cases to local authorities/NGOs and the presentation of reports on the management of The Code organization.

Our commitment is to monitor through our staff and internal and external collaborators that this exploitation is avoided in all the activities that are carried out and which are related.

It is worth mentioning that as Ecuadorian tour operators, that manage its own operations in Ecuador and Colombia, we are committed avoiding this kinds of exploitation, which is why we are a reference of what is being applied in our business philosophy and is being carried out in Ecuador and Colombia as well.

You can follow Neotropic Expeditions on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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