Hotel Aixo Suites commits to ending the sexual exploitation of children by becoming a member of The Code

We are pleased to announce that Hotel Aixo Suites has become the latest member to join The Code from Colombia and commit to ending the sexual exploitation of children. As a hotel company, they are directly positioned to stop this crime in its tracks.

Unfortunately many offenders take advantage of hotel facilities to commit their crimes but by adhering to the six criteria of The Code including training staff on how to respond and report, Hotel Aixo Suites will be able to recognise the signs and stop the sexual exploitation of children before it happens.

Hotel Aixo Suites join a long and growing list of members in Colombia who have joined The Code. Currently there are 81 members who are based in or operating in Colombia with 13 of those meeting top member status.

By going above and beyond to implement the six criteria of The Code, Hotel Aixo Suites will also soon be able to achieve top member status and affirm their company as a global leader in protecting children in their industry.

The six criteria of The Code are to:

  1. Establish a policy and procedures against sexual exploitation of children.
  2. Train employees in children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases.
  3. Include a clause in contracts throughout the value chain stating a common repudiation and zero tolerance policy of sexual exploitation of children.
  4. Provide information to travellers on children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and how to report suspected cases.
  5. Support, collaborate and engage stakeholders in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children.
  6. Report annually on the implementation of the six criteria of The Code.
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