TravelUnique Signs The Code!

On 3 September 2012, TravelUnique signed together with ECPAT Netherlands, The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism (The Code). TravelUnique offers unique, valuable volunteer projects and fair trade travels in Africa. By signing The Code, the protection of children is given a structural place in the business.

Therese Wijnen, owner, said “We think the protection of children is very important and ask our travelers and volunteers in Eastern and Southern Africa to be alert and to report abuse of children.”

For more information about TravelUnique:


Merellaan 21, 3722 AK, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 0031-30-2302632

To contact ECPAT Netherlands:

ECPAT Netherlands

End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children

Address: Kinderrechtenhuis Nederland (Child Rights Home)

Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17-G | 2312 HS Leiden | The Netherlands

Postal address: Postbus 11103 | 2301 EC  Leiden

T: +31 71 516 09 80


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