Tourism Professionals in Cambodia learn about child sex tourism

During 17 – 22 of September 2012, ECPAT Cambodia, the Local Code Representative, conducted additional three workshops for the tourism industry on protecting children from sexual exploitation in travel and tourism: 30 different hotels received training in Battambang; 41 staff of Sofitel Angkor and 33 personnel of Sokha Angkor Hotel in Siem Reap.

Base on pre and post evaluations of the workshops, the participants gain a better understanding of commercial sexual exploitation of children, including child sex tourism and the prostitution of children. In addition, many participants stated that they are aware of the issue but did not realize the seriousness of the crimes nor its impact on the victims and Cambodia as a tourism destination.

Participants thus were interested in the workshop as it provided important information about the sexual exploitation of children via the child rights approach and how tourism professionals can take concrete measures how to protection children, such as implementing The Code or staying vigilant and reporting cases.

For more information about the workshops, please visit ECPAT Cambodia’s website:




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