The Code welcomes ECPAT Belgium as its newest Local Code Representative

The Code is proud to announce its latest partnership with ECPAT Belgium who has just become the Local Representative of the Code in Belgium:

“Being Local Code Representative (LCR) is for us an official recognition of the work we have been doing for years with the private sector, such as trainings in hotels, awareness-raising sessions with tourism schools, « I say STOP! » campaign in partnership with the Belgian Federation of the Tourism industry. We intend to approach a wide range of partners (hotels, but also airlines, travel agencies, etc) to encourage them to become members of The Code and commit to child protection” says Ariane Couvreur, project manager at ECPAT Belgium.

ECPAT Belgium is the official partner of ECPAT International in Belgium. Their work mostly focuses on awareness raising, training, research, advocacy and youth participation.

Since 2004, they have been coordinating the I Say Stop campaign to inform travellers on the issue of sexual exploitation in travel and tourism, extraterritorial legislations and the possibility to report suspicious situations via the I Say Stop website.

The success of the campaign/website lies in its broad range of partners: public sector (Ministries of Foreign Affairs/Justice/Defence + Police), private sector (Federation of the Tourism Industry, FEBETRA – truck drivers association) and NGOs (Plan Belgium, Child Focus, Samilia Foundation and ECPAT Belgium).

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