On 11 June 2013, Sawadee signed the agreement with ECPAT Netherlands to join The Code. A Dutch company, Sawadee offers adventurous tours to remote and special destinations.
Jan de Ridder, interim Managing Director at Sawadee, said at the event, “We integrate corporate social responsibility (CSR) throughout the whole company. Our CSR team consists of members from each department that implement sustainable measures into their own department. The protection of children against sexual exploitation receives special attention within our CSR policy.”

For more detail information, please contact:
Sarphatistraat 650
1018 AV Amsterdam
Saskia Witte: Saskia.witte@sawadee.nl
Kinderrechtenhuis Nederland (Child Rights Home)
Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17-G | 2312 HS Leiden | The Netherlands
Celine Verheijen: C.verheijen