As members Dein Marokko, Akwaba Afrika and Sudafrika Hautnah now join over 300 global leaders in an industry-driven, multi-stakeholder mission to end the sexual exploitation of children and will be given access to tools, support and training to implement the six criteria of The Code.
The Code officially signed and welcomed three new members Dein Marokko, Akwaba Afrika and Sudafrika Hautnah in partnership with ECPAT Germany, during this year’s ITB Berlin. As members they now join over 300 global leaders in an industry-driven, multi-stakeholder mission to end the sexual exploitation of children and will be given access to tools, support and training to implement the six criteria of The Code.
As the world’s leading travel trade show ITB Berlin is an important gathering of the world’s leading stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry for networking, knowledge-sharing and discussion of emerging travel trends. ITB Berlin and Asia are proud members of The Code as well as several of ITB’s over 10,000 exhibitors of the annual event.
Sustainable, ethical and responsible tourism is a growing priority for the industry with several key ITB Berlin events this year focusing on respect for human rights and environmental conservation.
The Code also signed a ‘memorandum of understanding’ with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council to expand standards for the protection of children as well as other measures to end this crime, with GSTC encouraging membership of The Code as a practical means of implementing child protection standards in order to meet global accreditation.

The Code delivered a session in partnership with Local Code Representative EQUATIONS India on ‘addressing child protection in the travel and tourism industry as a matter of urgency’.
Joyatri Ray of EQUATIONS presented a case study focus on trends and challenges in addressing travelling child sex offenders in India as tourism has boomed, with the country expected to rank top fifth in the business travel market globally by 2030. The session also addressed the practical solutions and steps that the travel and tourism industry can take to address this crime.