Swiss campaign against child sex tourism to be extended across Europe

Europe is to step up the fight against sexual exploitation of children and minors in tourism. An initiative raised by SECO, fedpol and ECPAT in 2010 to extend the campaign “Don’t Look Away – ” was discussed at a conference held in Berlin today, Thursday.

The conference focuses on extending the “Don’t Look Away” awareness campaign for the protection of children in tourism throughout Europe, with a view to tightening the network for the protection of minors across national borders.

In addition, the world’s first official online reporting form, developed by the Federal Office of the Police (fedpol) together with ECPAT Switzerland, is to be used throughout Europe.

Using a joint European online platform, the reporting form will be made available in all relevant languages and included in the website of national law enforcement authorities. Tourists and travellers can thus use this form to quickly report any suspected cases of child sexual exploitation.

As part of its work in economic development cooperation, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) helps to promote tourism through, among other things, its support for the Tourism Child Protection Code, a code of conduct for the tourism industry.

Protecting children from sexual exploitation in tourism is an important element of corporate responsibility in tourism, particularly in developing countries – says Hans-Peter Egler, Head of Trade Promotion at SECO.

Also, the various stakeholders involved (tour operators, state bodies, NGOs) need to work together efficiently to make a real difference in child protection in tourism.

As pointed out by Talia Bongni, Head of ECPAT Switzerland:

“Only with the joint commitment of child protection organisations, the tourism industry and public authorities can we protect children at holiday destinations.”


Hans-Peter Egler, SECO, Economic Cooperation and Development, Trade Promotion, Tel. +41 31 324 0813

Marcel Wisler, Head of Communications, Kinderschutz Schweiz, Tel. + 41 79 303 2538

ECPAT Switzerland is the national representative of ECPAT International and is housed as a specialist department within Kinderschutz Schweiz, the Swiss Foundation for Child Protection. ECPAT Switzerland campaigns against the commercial sexual exploitation of children and minors within Switzerland and abroad, working in close cooperation with public authorities and with state-run and private institutions around the world. 

ECPAT Switzerland will be at the Holiday Fair in Berne from 10 – 13 January 2013 and at the Holiday Fair in St. Gallen from 8 – 10 February 2013 to raise awareness about child protection in tourism.

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