A new draft strategy plan will focus on expansion, sustainability, and implementation. The Code welcomes and encourages feedback on the plan.
The plan has been drafted based on inputs from all parts of the organization (including feedback from the working groups at the last AGM, surveys, and a multi-stakeholder seminar).
With focus on three strategic paths: Expansion, Sustainability and Implementation, the plan aims to help The Code overcome the current ‘growing pains’ and build a true industry-driven and sustainable organization with paying and implementing members to realize the full potential of The Code.
The Code value the feedback and will give careful consideration to the inputs from all stakeholders in preparing the final strategy for approval at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March 2013. Due to the limited time at the AGM, it is very important to send your feedback at this stage.
Please send any feedback you may have to the General Manager, Andreas Astrup at andreas@thecode.org before January 13, 2013.