The Code welcomes new Board of Directors for 2016-19

At its March AGM in Berlin, members of The Code elected a new Board of Directors, to serve as representatives of the membership from 2016 to 2019.

The Board is made up of both industry and NGO representatives, recognising the diversity of organisations that are working together to improve the safety of children in the travel and tourism industry.

The Board is responsible for providing leadership to The Code, ensuring that both membership and structure are relevant in changing circumstances, and approving new members to The Code.

As such, its members have committed to represent the segment of the branch in which their companies or organisations operate.

The AGM also thanked the members of the outgoing Board, Matthias Leisinger (Kuoni Holding), Brenda Schultz (Carlson Rezidor), and Shahinoor Visram (Sun n Sand, Kenya) for their contributions and commitment over the 2013-2016 period.

The members of the incoming Board are:

  • Tour operator : Elise Allart, TUI
  • Hotel chain : Arnaud Herrmann, AccorHotels 
  • Airline/other : Rika Jean-François, ITB
  • Open seat (industry) : Susanna Saari, SKÅL International
  • Permanent seat ECPAT : Robbert van den Berg, ECPAT International (succeeded Dorothy Rozga in July 2018)
  • Local/national NGO (receiving country) : Zared Garzón, Fundacion Renacer / EC)PAT Colombia
  • Local/national NGO (sending country) : Theo Noten, ECPAT Netherlands
  • Open seat for individual/organisation: Lotta Sand

You can view the profiles of the new Code Board here.

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