Atlas Travel takes a stand against child exploitation by becoming a member of The Code

Atlas Travel has joined a growing list of industry leaders that are committing to ending sexual exploitation of children by becoming a member of The Code through partnership with Local Code Representative ECPAT-USA.

As a global travel management company with operations in over 110 countries, their reach positions them to make a significant impact in creating awareness and preventing this crime.

Companies that recognize their role and responsibility in recognizing and preventing child sex trafficking are a key in ending exploitation. We are excited to welcome Atlas Travel to The Code and as a new partner in helping us protect children. – says Michelle Guelbart, Director of Private Sector Engagement at ECPAT-USA.

We are proud of our ongoing commitment to our local communities and continually strive to set the standard for corporate contributions towards the betterment of society – says founder and CEO Elaine Osgood.

This month Atlas Travel participated in the #WearBlueDay in the United States to raise awareness about human trafficking and its global prevalence.

Raising awareness is not the only thing that Atlas Travel has committed to. As members Atlas Travel will be implementing the six criteria of The Code:

  1. Establish a policy and procedures against sexual exploitation of children.
  2. Train employees in children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases.
  3. Include a clause in contracts throughout the value chain stating a common repudiation and zero tolerance policy of sexual exploitation of children.
  4. Provide information to travelers on children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and how to report suspected cases.
  5. Support, collaborate and engage stakeholders in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children.
  6. Report annually on their implementation of the six criteria of The Code.

To learn more about Atlas Travel’s commitments, contact Robin Carter.

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