2016 AGM to be held on March 8 in Berlin

The Code will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Berlin, Germany on Tuesday 8th March, one day before the opening of ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade show. The venue will be the Mercure Hotel MOA, Berlin, and the meeting will take place from 1pm – 6pm.

The Code’s Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to conduct an overview of activities and accounts relating to its work. The meeting will also encourage open discussion about good practices regarding the promotion of child protection within the travel industry. 

Please register for the AGM by email to agm (at) thecode.org by March 1st, 2016. Appointment of a proxy must be done in writing to the Secretariat 15 days prior to the AGM.

At the meeting we will also elect a new Board of Directors. All seats are open for election and we welcome and encourage members to nominate candidates. Nominations and expressions of interest are invited for submission to Damien Brosnan (damien (at) thecode.org) at least 15 days prior to the AGM.

As a multi-stakeholder, industry-driven organization, it is important for The Code that its members, board members, and supporters have the opportunity to learn more about The Code and to network with other tourism/CSR professionals, NGO representatives and experts.

Following the AGM, representatives from The Code’s secretariat in Bangkok will be attending ITB Berlin from the 9th to the 13th of March. Featuring over 114,000 trade visitors from 180 countries, ITB Berlin is the world’s leading travel trade show.

Visitors to ITB Berlin can find us in the Responsible Tourism section, in exhibition hall 4.1.

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